LCG sow LAUNCh event: Meet constellia
As the sole provider for the MSTAR4 – Lot 4 Project Delivery (Statement of Works) contract, Constellia is hosting a launch event on the 9th October in London, inviting all members of The London Collaboration Group (LCG) wishing to procure Professional Services via the new dedicated lot for Statement of Works (SoW).
LCG members are encouraged to attend this event to:
During the event, you will have the chance to network with LCG members, meet the Constellia team and discover how LCG procurement functions can benefit from Constellia’s fair, transparent, and compliant route to accelerate SoW procurement.
Join Constellia and Havering Borough Council on Wednesday the 9th October, to learn how Constellia’s procurement expertise and best-in-class model can help LCG members manage SoW spend, demonstrate value-for-money, and drive Responsible Procurement for the London community. In addition, we’ll also explore how Constellia and LCG members can foster innovation and collaboration across London councils through the creation of the London Collaboration SoW (LCSoW) Council.
For more information about the appointment, please access the full press release here.
THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED: If you were unable to attend and would like to find out more about the SoW solution or being part of the LCSoW Council, we’d love to hear from you—please get in touch via or call on 0330 320 8020.