Constellia Partners with whatimpact.com to Transform Effectiveness and Ease of Delivering Social Value in Procurement
· Matching suppliers with VCSEs to deliver social value locally.
· Helping suppliers win public sector contracts.
Constellia, a UK-leading Procurement Managed Service Provider, has today, 26th October, announced their new partnership with social value matchmakers and management platform whatimpact.com. This partnership is designed to maximise opportunities for suppliers to deliver tangible social value to public sector and utility clients.
With sustainability at the forefront of procurement regulations, ESG standards, and strategic CSR initiatives, the influence of social value is transforming procurement across the private and public sectors. The UK government’s commitment to scoring all tenders with a minimum 10% marking on social value has reshaped the procurement process, affecting businesses of all sizes serving the central government, local government, NHS, and the wider public sector.
Thanks to this newly formed partnership, Constellia will make it easier for suppliers across their dynamic marketplace to deliver on social value requirements. This includes providing them access to dedicated on-demand social value expertise and project-based impact reporting via the whatimpact.com social value platform. Constellia suppliers will also benefit from discounted rates that will enable them to be matched with social value activities, proving their social value efforts to clients and supporting local community initiatives.
Whatimpact.com is a leading matchmaking platform connecting suppliers with local social value initiatives nationwide. It enables organisations, regardless of their size and experience in social value, to deliver contract-specific social value plans and validated impact reporting. Moreover, it facilitates integrating company volunteering programs with government contract requirements. Whatimpact.com is committed to grassroots action and advocates social and environmental expertise from charities and social enterprises.
Constellia’s CEO, Rob Levene, commented: “We have noticed an increase in demand from clients needing to find partners who can deliver on their social value commitments. Our neutral vendor solution gives our clients access to a dynamic and accredited marketplace of suppliers who can achieve this. For many public sector bodies, the need is not just for suppliers to commit to social value measures in a tender but also to ensure they deliver on those commitments. Our partnership with whatimpact.com will transform clients’ and suppliers’ ease and effectiveness in delivering on their contractual requirements.”
Tiia Sammallahti, CEO of whatimpact, highlights the government’s stance, emphasising that ethical, environmental, and socially sustainable work is key.
Tia commented: “It is all about engaging with communities to deliver health, wellbeing, employment, environmental, and educational benefits through and during contract work. The connection between a company’s commercial success and its social value contribution has never been stronger, elevating social value to a strategic priority. We are honoured to partner with Constellia in harnessing the purchasing power of government for the betterment of society.”
To learn more about this unique opportunity, attend our webinar on 15th November with Rob Levene, CEO of Constellia and Tiia Sammallahti, CEO and Founder of whatimpact.com. Register here.
More information on whatimpact.com can be found here: https://whatimpact.com/constellia
About Constellia:
Constellia – Neutral Vendor solutions for Services, Works, Technology and Goods.
Established in 2007, Constellia is a leading Neutral Vendor Managed Service Provider in the UK. We manage over £200 million of spend across 130+ public and private sector organisations. We are also the UK’s only Neutral Vendor to enable public sector and utility clients access to the procurement of Goods, Works, Services and Technology.
As a Neutral Vendor, we act as a conduit between contracting authorities, prequalified service providers, and suppliers, providing a fast and compliant marketing route via Neutral Vendor Frameworks. Our diverse and dynamic marketplace enlists over 1,000 pre-approved suppliers, providing clients access to 400+ subcategories of spend.
We provide public sector clients the flexibility and choice to buy through one simple route quickly and compliantly, helping drive efficiencies and savings.
About whatimpact.com:
Whatimpact.com is a social value management platform tailored for social value managers and teams engaged in social value management. The platform offers a unique workflow management tool for planning and reporting on social value delivery through collaborations with charities, social enterprises, and local initiatives across the UK.